Exams in the time of Covid-19

The constant influx of health, social and humanitarian conditions during this pandemic, have rendered 2020 a truly challenging year for students all over the world. No matter the age, object or level of studies, everyone keeps undergoing continuous changes. Traditional face-to-face lessons have been cancelled, online lessons and lectures have replaced them while exams are […]

Denial to study under quarantine.

Alone. Isolated. Scared. Anxious. Worried. Insecure. Bored. Frustrated. Feelings that I have learned to welcome when they sail uninvited in my realm of thoughts, let them drift as I observe them. In these moments, I try to remember that hope exists and that optimism is my chosen perspective under quarantine. One by one, countries all […]

Learning under quarantine

We all heard about it in the news around January..We kept watching it spread on the other side of the world, breathless as it vastly expanded beyond expectation, praying for those infected. However, we believed that this was too far from us and it would all be over before this got any closer to become […]

Time to stop the negative self-talk when learning a foreign language!

“No matter how well prepared I am, I cannot utter a single word when the time comes for me to speak in English” “I am sick and tired of people who are less competent than me to appear greater, even show-off at a business presentation just because their foreign language skills permit them to do […]

Connect with people worldwide through a foreign language!

3 Ways Learning a foreign language will help you connect with people all around the world! We speak to communicate. Can you just for a minute imagine having the key to communicate with people all over the world in their own language? Can you even mentally, just for a second, grasp the sense of freedom […]

How to create a killer studying routine!

Third message in a row… There is this amazing movie at the cinemas, on for the third week and your best friend is just begging you to go tonight! It is 19:00 o’clock on a Thursday afternoon and you have just opened your French books in front of you, trying to do your homework.. “Ok, […]

The importance of taking a break

Do you want to get something done? Ask a busy person. Even better if this person is also a goal-oriented high-achiever. They will find a way to accomplish any mission. Until recently, I thought that was amazing! Maybe because that person was me. I chose to complete anything at hand even if I wasn’t allocating […]

Thoughts after examinations…

Today you took your final examinations. You have been tested in hopes of receiving a degree you have been aiming to, for years. Innumerable thoughts seem to still be inundating your mind, making you feel restless instead of relieved… It is absolutely normal to question yourselves about many things. “Did I structure my essay in […]

Hitting roadblocks while learning a new language? 7 tips not to quit!

Naturally, as in every progress towards achieving a goal, there comes a time when we get stuck. It feels like we are trying in vain and we cannot move forward. We feel that no matter how much we study or correct mistakes, we are stuck in the same level of aptitude and not advancing. This, […]

What is the ideal age for children to learn a foreign language?

Do you often dream of your child being welcomed to virtually any prestigious company all around the world after graduation? Do you see them traveling free and being able to negotiate like a local in every corner of the world? Do you aspire for them to acquire such a well-rounded cultivation after having been exposed […]