Challenges of remote learning and how to overcome them – Part 2

3. Unexpected technical Issues.

The teaching process has long now embraced technology, even in the most prepared environment though, technical difficulties arise from nowhere. Therefore, during remote learning, which is completely reliant on technology, educators and students have to deal with such issues. Problems may vary from unstable network connections, software bugs, training environment access issues and the list goes on..

Firstly, we should all dedicate some time to get ready before an online lesson. We should check that our login credentials, passwords and usernames are all correct. It is also a good idea to connect a little earlier than the exact time the lesson starts. This will offer us the chance to address any potential login or access issue, in time before the lesson. 

For larger-group virtual sessions, a great idea would be to have another facilitator. Through this, we can answer common field questions, or offer advice, via chat or email, on how to solve a tech issue. This will considerably limit the interruptions made during the lesson, concerning tech problems. 

Another perspective that would certainly limit the appearance of unexpected tech issues would be a project-based type of learning. With detailed explaining and guidance from the teacher, all students will be able to work in their own time, using all the resources available to them. So, in case you are a student, it is worth suggesting this to your teacher. While this method integrates technology in terms of presentation and technology, it will also allow everyone to work independently offline.

4. Isolation. 

Remote learning can be lonely. Without the energy of a classroom and the company of peers, the sense of isolation will probably affect even the most highly-motivated students. Despite not admitting it, most of us would love to go to school compared to being stuck in a home desk.

Most of the traditional studying strategies, such as group activities or team discussions, along the enriching learning they provide, may disappear online. Student engagement towards them will follow. Both educators and students should try to maintain a lesson dynamic in the digital environment. We can achieve this, by:

  • Coordinating virtual group activities during chats and using cloud tools for exchange of material.
  • Showing our face and using our voice as much as possible during remote learning.
  • Scheduling regular private checks with our teacher/student, especially when we feel that learning motivation is decreasing.

Remote learning is undoubtedly challenging. However, this is an opportunity to experiment, to learn and to discover what works best in digital learning. Crisis represents opportunity and now is the time to face all our problems together. Let’s be open about the difficulties we face during remote learning. However, let’s not forget our goals and the numerous new innovative ways to get there!

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